Tuesday 8 December 2009

Killer Hamsters

Is the Ministry Of Defence breeding weaponry? Are they planning to unleash a pack of slavering killer hamsters onto our unsuspecting enemies? Short answer: No. Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooo.

This story is of course about the controversial Go Go Hamsters. These toys are set to be on the top of all children's Christmas wish list across the UK. They can act like normal hamsters with the added bonus of not shitting everywhere and dieing. The controversy surrounding this product is reported by PRweek.com: "Go Go Hamsters came under the spotlight yesterday after a US watchdog said the toys had too much of a toxic chemical in their fur. The Good Guide, an independent US-based consumer group, published a report last week in which one item in the range, the hamster Mr Squiggles, was alleged to contain more than the permitted level of the chemical antimony."

A statement was then released by the PR company Citigate. Citigate director Fiona Tooley, who has handled PR support for The Character Group for 20 years, said: ‘We have been doing damage limitation. We do not want worried parents out there. It has had to be handled quickly and sensitively.' This quick statement has enabled the product to remain one of the most popular Christmas gifts this year.

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